Email Site Administrator
A clickable link would be ideal for providing this facility, and there are a number of ways to implement this. However, Jim has yet to find one that is completely secure and independent of browser settings. For these reasons, please enter the data shown below into the To: and Subject: fields of your email program.
Jim will endeavour to read carefully all emails received from this site, and hopes to acknowledge receipt of each one.
Jim cannot promise to respond to all the emails he receives which require a reply, but on the grounds of goodwill, intends to oblige whenever possible.
The PAWhy: term should be included in the Subject field to ensure the message is not blocked by the spam filter on Jim’s computer. Please feel free to add anything else to this field after the identifying term, if you so wish.
Please do not send attachments with your email, as these may be blocked by the computer’s security settings. If you wish to send an attachment, please contact Jim by email or by other means, and make arrangements for the attachment to be sent.
Please feel free to provide feedback regarding this site.